Have you read “On the Road” by Jack Kerouac? Now that guy knew how to take the ultimate road trip! However, he didn’t follow any of the tips listed below. Jack and his fellow-travelers went without plans or preparations; they had adventures you may not want to repeat. You will have a safer and calmer vacation if you incorporate the following suggestions.
Set a Date
Maybe your road trip is scheduled around your college spring break or perhaps it is when your children are out of school in the summer. Look at your calendar and clear the dates with all who will be joining you.
Map Your Route
Decide where your final destination will be and plan your stops along the way. If you are traveling with young children, they need a break every two to three hours to use the bathroom and run around. Some travelers prefer to drive several hours and spend fewer nights getting to their destination. Others like to stop at every historical marker and spend evenings in different locations along the way. Both plans are successful, it just depends on your preferences.

Prepare Your Vehicle
Make sure to check your tires, oil and have your vehicle maintenance up-to-date. You don’t want to be on the side of the road with a car that is not functioning. If you are traveling during the summer months, make sure your air conditioning is working well. Take your car to a shop that provides Vehicle AC Repair San Rafael CA and they can test your system. Do this at least two weeks before you plan to leave, just in case some repairs are needed.
Make a Packing Checklist
Whether you are camping or staying in hotels, having a packing list saves the stress of forgotten items. You can create your own list or find a checklist online. Mark off items as they go into your suitcase or car; you will sleep better the night before you leave.
Have a wonderful time creating new memories and enjoy the ride!